Monday, August 31, 2009

What Weekend????

Busy, busy weekend ~ I can't believe Monday is here already!  

It's funny how a weekend can be so busy, yet so uneventful.  Well, not really funny...  Here's what happened:  

Rob came home Friday night at 6:00 p.m. with the wonderful news that he would have to go back and work from midnight to noon Saturday.  (note the sarcasm)  Then for the next three hours, he was on the phone trying to take care of some issues/problems for work.  So, around 9:00 p.m., he was ours!  For half an hour!  Then, off to bed for Levi.  It took a while for Levi to get to sleep; Rob stayed in his room with him and they talked for a while, I guess.  Then they both fell asleep.  I woke him up around 10:30 p.m., and he showered, got dressed, and ran back off to work.

Saturday morning, I dropped off Levi at my parents' house for a couple hours so I could get my grocery shopping done.  Then, I picked him up and we took daddy lunch at work.  We had a picnic on the floor of the digital room where he was working.  That was pretty exciting for Levi; me, not so much...  After lunch, Levi and I went home, supposedly Rob would be home in an hour or so.  He finally arrived home at 4:00 p.m. (so much for noon).  He had been awake since 6:45 a.m. Friday morning, so he was wiped out!  He sat down on the chair just for a minute and he was out.  So, I decided to run down the street to the store with Levi so Rob could get a little rest.  (Of course, I was thinking that he would go to bed.  That way, when we got back home, I could keep Levi distracted while Rob was locked in the bedroom.)  When we got back, Rob hadn't quite made it to the bed; he had only made it about four steps from the chair to the couch.  IMPOSSIBLE to keep Levi off of daddy...  So, for the next three hours, he slept off and on, while Levi took turns laying on top of him, climbing on top of him, and telling him to "moof foot" so he could sit and watch his tractor video.  I did manage to fix dinner, and I even woke Rob up to see if he wanted to eat.  He sat up and said NO quite firmly several times.  It really was quite funny!  So, I let him sleep.  Levi and I ate dinner and I put Rob's dinner in the fridge.  About 7:30 p.m., Rob woke up from his coma and asked when we were going to eat.  Obviously he didn't remember me waking him up...  He ate dinner and played with Levi a little, then he went back to bed right after Levi got in bed.  

Church was wonderful on Sunday!  We had our 5th Sunday services.  Many churches have special 5th Sunday services, but ours is as follows:  morning services as usual, pitch-in lunch, then an afternoon service immediately following lunch.  The afternoon service consists of special requests for favorite hymns, a lot of special music, and all of the young preacher boys preaching for about 10 to 15 minutes each.  (This time, there were only three preachers.  Rob was so tired and hadn't had much time to prepare, so he passed on this one, and Jordan was out of town preaching at Rob's dad's church in Tennessee this weekend.)  This makes for a seemingly long day, but our family thoroughly enjoys this set-up.  We kind of wish we would do this every Sunday...  We even had choir practice for a little while afterwards, working on our Christmas cantata.

Well, after church, before cantata practice, would you believe that Rob got a phone call from work?  AHHHH!  So, when we got home and got everything carried in the house, Rob changed into his work clothes and off he went...  He worked from about 4:45 p.m. to 10:45 p.m.  He got home just in time to go to bed.  Then, up at 6:15 a.m. this morning and off to work again.  He literally got NO WEEKEND!!  No break.  No rest for Rob.  So, if you think about him, say a prayer for him...  He is really frustrated, as are we all!  Next Monday is a much-needed holiday, and hopefully a day off for him.  So, like I said, a busy, busy, busy weekend...

On a lighter note, Levi is learning new songs and loves to sing them.  We sing them a lot, but right now it seems we sing them the most while he is sitting on the potty.  HAHAHA
The songs he is singing are "Jesus Loves Me", "The B-I-B-L-E", "Ho-Ho-Ho-Hosanna", "Rejoice in the Lord Alway", and "The Hallelujah Chorus".  (We have been practicing our choir's Christmas cantata and it has this song in it.  Levi can say hallelujah pretty well, actually.)

Yesterday, with our busy Sunday schedule, Levi didn't take a nap at church, or in the car on the way home, or when we got home.  I had given up on the hope of him taking a nap.  I fixed him something for dinner and put him in the high chair to eat.  He was watching his choo-choo video.  I was eating, also, but was on the computer checking mail, FB, and blogs.  I kept looking over at him and he was eating really well.  (He never eats very much at our church pitch-ins.  Too many distractions, I guess.)  After a few minutes, I looked over at him and he had fallen asleep!  Yay ~ Naptime!!  So, I tried to clean off his hands and face without waking him up, and I managed to carry him to his bed and lay him down.  He slept for an hour.  Did I say Yay already?  I was able to finish cleaning up the kitchen and got to sit down and rest before he woke up again.  I really cherish those times of peace and quiet!  They don't happen often.

Well, this week, we don't have very much planned, so hopefully we can catch up on our family time and rest...  

Hope you all are having a good Monday (Is that possible???)  and have a blessed week!

Count your blessings...

(Next post, I hope to have video of Levi's newest accomplishment.  Not the potty, something else...)

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