Thursday, August 20, 2009

"Oh, What a Beautiful Morning... "

Now that the rain and storms have ended, it is a beautiful day.  The wind is blowing, the sun in shining, so much to be thankful for...  I guess that even if it was still storming, I still have so much to be thankful for, that's for sure!  
It is just so easy to base our happiness and joy on our circumstances.  But that's not what the Bible teaches.  We are to be content in whatever state we are in, good or bad.  When the storms come into our life, be content.  When we have mountains to climb, be content.  When we are suffering, be content.  
Why?  Because He will deliver us, walk beside us, carry us through it.  Praise God for His unending love, His great mercy, His provision, His grace, His abundant blessings.  Need I say  more?  (By the way, I feel like I'm preaching to myself.  Boy, do I need this encouragement!  Hopefully, I can be an encouragement to you, also.)
On a more personal note (as if the previous paragraphs weren't personal enough), Levi is really starting to repeat things that he hears us or others say.  It's really cute when we say our prayers, either at eating time or bed time, he tries to repeat what we say.  It is so much fun to hear his little voice try to say some of the bigger words.  In fact, the other evening on the way home from church, we were listening to the Hallelujah Chorus in the car (Yes, I know, it's a little early for Christmas songs. ~ We have begun practicing for our choir's Christmas cantata.), and Mr. Levi started "singing" Hallelujah, Hallelujah...  So CUTE!  We had quite a laugh over that!  
Hopefully, we are going to the Fair again this evening if the weather holds out.  We still have 2 free tickets from the Indy Star that we would like to use.  Tomorrow night, we are planning to go to the Indians game and staying for fireworks after the game (more free tickets).  We really enjoy FREE entertainment!  Saturday, we might try to go back to the Fair again.  Crazy, I know, but my brother is giving us 2 more free tickets.  Hey, it only comes once a year.  Gotta get as much summer in as we can!  It is almost over, isn't it?
I will post more pictures when I take more.  Hope everyone enjoys today!  And remember to be CONTENT!
~God Bless!

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